I contribute to the development of the profession in multiple roles, such as editor, reviewing editor, editor of special issues, member of editorial boards, and leader and organizer of professional meetings. Here is a sample of my service to the profession and the university
Editorial Service
I have taken multiple roles in the top global strategy journals. Currently, I am co-editor of Global Strategy Journal, a journal of the Strategic Management Society, which I guide and promote with the editorial team. Previously, I served as reviewing editor of the Journal of International Business Studies, the official journal of the Academy of International Business. I have edited special issues of the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, and Journal of International Management on topics like emerging market multinationals, state-owned multinationals, skepticism of globalization, and, currently, Grand Challenges.
I serve on the editorial review boards of top management journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, and Strategic Management Journal. I have performed ad-hoc reviews for other journals, conferences, academic book publishers, and National Science Foundations.
Co-Editor, Global Strategy Journal, 2017-2023.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Journal of International Business Studies on 'Grand Challenges and Multinationals' Solutions,' 2025.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Global Strategy Journal on 'Ownership and Global Strategy,' 2024.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Global Strategy Journal on 'Institutions and entrepreneurship,' 2021.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Journal of International Management on 'Internationalization process and Emerging Market Multinationals,' 2021.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Global Strategy Journal on ‘Global Strategy in the Age of Skepticism of Globalization,’ 2020.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Journal of World Business on ‘The Impact of the Home Country on the Internationalization of Firms,’ 2018.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Journal of World Business on ‘Multilatinas and the Internationalization of Latin American Firms,’ 2017.
Co-Editor of the special issue of Journal of International Business Studies on ‘State-owned multinationals,’ 2014.
Editor of the special issue of Global Strategy Journal on ‘Developing-Country Multinational Firms,’ 2012.
Consulting Editor, Journal of International Business Studies, 2016-present. Reviewing Editor, 2010-2016. Editorial board member, 2007-2016.
Consulting Editor, Journal of International Business Policy, 2019-present.
Editorial board member, Strategic Management Journal, 2009-present.
Editorial board member, Academy of Management Review, 2017-present.
Editorial board member, Academy of Management Journal, 2020-present.
Editorial board member, Journal of Management Studies, 2021-present.
Editorial board member, Management International Review, 2014-present.
Editorial board member, Journal of International Management, 2013-present.
Editorial board member, Academy of Management Discoveries, 2020-present.
Editorial board member, Global Strategy Journal, 2010-2016.
Editorial board member, Journal of World Business, 2010-2013.
Editorial board member, Organization Studies, 2003-2015.
Professional Associations
I have helped organize conferences in professional associations. At the Academy of Management, I was elected by the members and served on the Executive Committee of the International Management Division, rotating through five positions (Professional Development Workshop Chair, Program Chair, Division Chair-Elect, Division Chair, and Past Division Chair). At the Strategic Management Society, I was elected by the members as a representative-at-large in the Global Strategy Interest Group. At the Academy of International Business, I served on the Best Dissertation and Eminent Scholar Award committees. Additionally, I was track chair at the Academy of International Business three times, co-organized specialized conferences at universities, and coordinated numerous panels and paper development workshops.
Member, Buckley and Casson AIB Dissertation Award Committee, Academy of International Business, 2022-2025.
Member, Research committee, Academy of Management Strategy Division, 2020-2022.
Chair, Strategy& Eminent Scholar Award, Academy of Management International Management Division, 2018-2021.
Member, Strategy& Eminent Scholar Award, Academy of Management International Management Division, 2017-2018.
Member, Professional Achievement Awards Committee (IM Division Outstanding Educator Award, IM Division Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award, IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award), Academy of Management International Management Division, 2016-2019.
Member, John Fayerwheather Eminent Scholar Award, Academy of International Business, 2016-2018, 2019-2020.
Chair, Communications Committee, Academy of Management, International Management Division, 2008-2012.
Representative-at-Large, Strategic Management Society, Global Strategy Group, 2006-2008.
Research Foundations
External reviewer, European Research Council
External reviewer, Israel Science Foundation
External reviewer, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
External reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
External reviewer, South Africa National Research Foundation
External reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation
External reviewer, US National Science Foundation
External reviewer, University Carlos III Excellence Awards of the Social Council
University Committees
Northeastern University
Vice-Provost of Information Collaboration and Dean of Libraries Search Committee, 2016-2017.
Center for Emerging Markets Visiting Scholar, Coordinator, 2012-present.
Center for Emerging Markets Seminar Series, Co-Organizer, 2011-present.
Strategic Planning Committee, 2019-2022.
Strategy & Mission iTeam, 2019-2020.
Chaired Professor Review Committee, 2018-2019, 2021-2022.
Full Professor Sub-Committee, 2015-2017, 2020-2021.
Tenure and Promotion Sub-Committee, 2012-2014.
Non-Tenure Track Committee, 2023-2025
Faculty Policy Committee, 2011-2014.
Tenure track position committee, 2021-2022, 2022-2023.
Promotion and tenure sub-committee, 2019.
Ph.D. Program Committee, 2013-2014.
Strategic Planning Committee, 2011-2013.
University of South Carolina
Promote Teaching Effectiveness and Student Learning Committee, 2009-2011.
Undergraduate Program Committee, 2008-2009.
Research and Ph.D. Task Force, Strategic Planning Committee, 2006-2008.
Ph.D. Program Committee, 2008-2011.
Undergraduate Major in International Business Committee, 2005-2011.
Undergraduate Regional Courses in International Business Committee, 2005-6.
University of Minnesota
Undergraduate Core Council, 2000-2003.
Strategic Management Research Center Colloquium, 2000-2001.
Committee on Research, 2001-2002.
Ph.D. Theses
I enjoy working with doctoral students, doing joint projects, guiding them in their dissertations, and helping them grow as scholars. Since the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University does not have a Ph.D. program, I have guided Ph.D. students in other schools.
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Yah Ling Liew, Singapore Management University. Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Choices. 2023.
Co-Advisor of the Ph.D. thesis of Negash Haile Dedho, UNU MERIT, Maastrich, Netherlands. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? FDI, Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers of Multinational Firms in Weak Institutional Environments. 2023.
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Junghoon Park, City University of New York, Zicklin School of Business. Essays on Sustainability and Multinationals. 2023
External examiner of the Ph.D. thesis of Pablo Doucet, University of Salamanca, Spain. Business Groups and the Advantage of Employment Flexibility. 2022. (First job, University of Salamanca, Spain).
External reviewer of the Ph.D. thesis of Tao Han, Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management. Three Essays on Firm Internationalization. 2021. (First job, EM Lyon, France).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Jian Xu, Emory University, Department of Political Science. The Legal Environment of International Business. 2021. (First job, Yale-NUS College, Singapore).
External reviewer of the Ph.D. thesis of Brian Chindondondo, University of Pretoria, Gordon Institute of Business Science. Revisiting Spillovers through the Lens of Resource Dependence Theory: The Role of Access Relationships in Low Income Countries Rife with Institutional Voids. 2021.
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of N. Nuruzzaman, Rutgers University, Rutgers Business School. From the Internationalization of Research to the Internationalization of Product Development. 2020. (First job, University of Manchester, UK).
Co-advisor of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Bernardo F. da Silva-Rego, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coppead Institute of Administration. Inward and Outward Incentives for the Internationalization of Firms. 2020. (First job, Catholic University of Petropolis, Petropolis, Brazil).
External reviewer of the Ph.D. thesis of Khaled Fourati, University of Pretoria, Gordon Institute of Business Science. Institutional Arrangements in Emerging Markets: The Agentive Behavior of Emerging Market Multinationals’ Subsidiaries. 2018. (First job, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Melanie Reed, Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Corruption and Multinationals. 2017. (First job, Tufts University, USA).
First opponent of the Ph.D. thesis of Asmund Rygh, BI Norwegian Business School. Corporate Governance and International Business: Essays on Multinational Enterprises, Ownership, Finance, and Institutions. 2016. (First job, University of Manchester, UK).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis evaluation committee of Raquel Garcia-Garcia, University of Oviedo, Faculty of Economics and Business. The Effect of Internationalization on the Performance of Spanish Listed Firms. 2014. (First job, Open University, UK)
Member of the Ph.D. thesis evaluation committee of Virginia Hernández Paz, University Carlos III of Madrid, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences. International Operations Strategies: Effects on Firm Performance and the Influence of Institutional Distance. 2014. (First job, Carlos III University, Spain).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Stephanie Lu Wang, University of Miami, School of Business Administration. A Co-Evolutionary View Towards How Emerging Economy Enterprises Catch Up. 2014. (First job, Indiana University, USA).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of V-Tsien Gaius Fan, Northeastern University, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. The Relationships Between Management, Compliance and Ethics Programs, Corruption, and Performance. 2014.
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Fernando Fuentes, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Engineering School. Strategic Analogies and Organizational Change. 2012. (First job, Concepcion University, Chile).
Advisor of the Ph.D. thesis of Luis A. Dau, University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business. Profiting from Globalization: Pro-Market Reforms, Firm Internationalization Strategy, and Firm Profitability in Developing Countries. 2010. (First job, Northeastern University, USA).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Sharon James, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management. When Do Firms Voluntarily Disclose Qualitative Information about R&D Projects? 2007. (First job, Ohio State University, USA).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Miguel Ramos, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management. When Do Firms Value the Whole Versus a Part? Acquisition of Multi-Location Targets. 2007. (First job, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA).
Co-Advisor of the Ph.D. thesis of Mehmet Genç, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management. Regulations, Institutions, and Efficiency of Local Firms. 2005. (First job, City University of New York, USA).
Member of the Ph.D. thesis committee of Xavier Castañer, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management. Diversification as Corporate Learning. 2002. (First job, HEC Paris, France).